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Kunzea Ambigua essential oil


Tasmanian Kunzea Oil is brilliant for helping relieve arthritic pains, insect bites, mental stress and general aches and pains.

Tasmanian Kunzea Ambigua, the most unique tea tree in the world has constituents that have effective anti-microbial, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The TGA has recognised Kunzea as having the ability to provide temporary relief of the pain of arthritis, rheumatism, muscular aches and pains, insect bites and insect bite inflammation, and cold and flu symptoms. Kunzea is invigorating, refreshing and clean, and has clarifying, grounding and uplifting properties.

Aroma:  Clean, fresh medicinal aroma; eucalyptus with background spicy, woody and sweet notes of the Tasmanian bush.


100% Grown and distilled in Tasmania. Sourced from Flinders Island and NE Tasmania.

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SKU : 100 Category :


Weight 0.8 kg


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